Babylonbee is basically a conservative onion but is taken seriously by MAGAts to confirm their biases. It’s definitely a propaganda tool. They acknowledge themselves as a satire site but Awesome Liberals Trump Shirt that get shared on Facebook. The rate of conservatives taking Babylon Bee or Duffel Blog seriously is about the same as liberals taking The Onion seriously. It happens, not often. Just because there are idiots in the world does not mean that it is a propaganda tool. Those people would believe anything that confirms their bias. If the group says “we are satire and fake” it is no longer their responsibility (within reason) that idiots decide to believe it. It’s literally supposed to be a satire site, and even as a Left-leaning person they happen to crank out some good zingers. So good. So happy. Thank you so much.
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I mean, the next couple are quite good, let’s be real. Trump Estimates That It Could Take 4 More Years To Accurately Count All The Votes is hilarious(ly realistic). Obviously some are also quite bad and obviously. US right-wing slanted but it’s not like it’s all of them. Trump says his top military intelligence officials believe Biden may try Awesome Liberals Trump Shirt. “We think he may be trying to acquire some kind of superweapon —an Infinity Gauntlet, a giant anime sword, something of that nature ——or his final assault on God. He could sneak through the air ducts and then, bam. Attack when God least suspects it. I think the implication is that Trump is an idiot if he even thinks Biden is capable of that. So good. So happy.
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