Don’t think it’s the same one. Here is the one I am talking about from the internet archive. It makes me feel old. I was about 12 at the Awesome Massage Therapist Colorful Heartbeat Shirt. In the UK we’d get Raw on tv on Friday’s and even days later we’d have no idea. I knew about the millennium bug thing and genuinely thought Y2K would kill us all so I was fucking frightened as if the clock was counting down for me specifically (I was a paranoid kid. Unrelated but the school library had a book on Nostradamus. Shouldn’t really have been there and you can imagine what that shit did to me. After Princess Di died I was convinced the world would end. 1997 was rough).
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But yeah, when Jericho debuted I fucking popped hard. I watched WCW for years before Raw and knew Jericho was cool, bad, and kind of shoved away into the Awesome Massage Therapist Colorful Heartbeat Shirt. Him going up with The Rock was like fantasy booking in my tiny little mind. It’s kind of similar now, fans ‘spoil’ surprises for themselves a fair bit and then complaint about how everything is predictable. People don’t realize just how young he was because he was a retired big star from the 80s, but he was a top star from like 21 years old. Hayes retired at 35 and was only 40 at this point. The Freebirds started in 1979, here we are 20 years later and the biggest star in the business is Steve Austin, who’s only 5 years younger than Hayes.
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Hayes to me has seemed like he’s been 50 years old for the last 25 years. (Basically, ditto Flair and Hogan, although Naitch’s recent medical issues have made him show his age more). Dillon and Arn Anderson as well. They have both been 45 years old for the last 80 years and I simply won’t be convinced otherwise. And then you fast forward to today, an Awesome Massage Therapist Colorful Heartbeat Shirt. I was just watching an old World Championship Wrestling show from 1987 on the Network yesterday and Michael Hayes did a promo where he mentioned he was 28 years old which shocked me because he looked at least 35. Not really in a bad way, he just had a vibe of some who was closer to forty than thirty.
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