Credit because you’re practically tap-dancing around how bad this film is. Kevin Hart said it best : “the cool thing is to be Awesome Meowzart Cat Play Piano Shirt from all those bitchs” , he continues to say “ Titanic is a great movie , every person on this earth watched that movie but you’ll see some guy raising his hand saying i fucking hate this movie , it’s a bullshit movie , just for the sake of being different. That being said, I accept that others adore this film and that’s perfectly fine. My hating it shouldn’t take away from your liking it. I’m in the minority and that’s totally cool. I’m not being different to be different – I’m just being honest about the kinds of movies I like. Don’t think there has even been a director who captures scale like Cameron.
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I can feel the dimensions of the ship, yet the cramped servant quarters. Even emotional scale, capturing how these Awesome Meowzart Cat. Play Piano Shirt is feeling. Rich assholes, poor workers, ships crew, kids… Parents, captain, the fucking quartet… I guess people see “The best movie ever made” label that gets attached to it and either go in with unrealistic expectations or want to be contrarian (I’m not saying if you dislike it you’re a contrarian but there are people who dislike it just because of the reputation). Most people who are alive now have seen all the things it has inspired also, they know the reveal because of the Simpsons, Looney Tunes and osmosis of society. They don’t get it because society has inured them to the quality of it.
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