I think the biggest fuck thorin comes from thorin himself. He used to Awesome Stay At 127 0 0 1 Wear 255 255 255 0 Funny IT Code Shirt fans. But now since he’s blocked basically everyone, his twitter engagement has plummeted. I mean, OK, but the guests just shit on the players, the plays, the builds, the region, constantly… I’m just not that interested in listening to that for hours, I guess some people are though. This is the reason I stopped watching his stream. We fucking know NA is bad we’ve known for years but it’s just constant shitting on the players and the region it gets tiring to listen to. I feel like it’s so difficult to even discuss NA now cuz anytime you say anything positive about a player or team. You just get bombarded with “haha NA bad get. Thank you so much.
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Tbh we might well get smashed at worlds. Do you know who else is gonna get wrecked? EU. Every LCK team besides DWG. This world is gonna be so one-sided its not even funny. But h Awesome Stay At 127 0 0 1 Wear 255 255 255 0 Funny IT Code Shirts worlds. That’s a dub for our boys. He basically repeated that Esbjerg’s interview said it was funny that Jensen shit talks and has this rivalry when being just don’t think of him at all. He’s just a miserable feeble old man, don’t mind him, you know you become senile at old age… heck I wouldn’t be surprised if TSM won worlds and he’d still continually bash them.. just can’t give credit where credits due. Thank you so much. And I hope you have a nice shirt. So you should buy this shirt.
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