It was a nightmare of over privileged country club white folks. 2 year partner here, it was always “make the Awesome Stress 2021 Relieve Stress Shirt right”. However it might as well had been. So I felt terrible that squeakiest wheels (bad customers) got the best deals and the best regulars and customers got screwed over. And people are REGULAR scammers. Like, literally every day, multiple times a day. I had some pro-active managers who obtained the phone numbers of a couple of the worst offenders and spoke to them. TLDR it didn’t work. My usual go-to was “please try the drink before you leave so we know it’s correct” but this one bitch daily was like “it’s for my daughter, I’ve never tried this drink”.
Awesome Stress 2021 Relieve Stress Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt and Hoodie
Yet she’d return every afternoon saying her daughter said the 2 pump mocha with no with whip was wrong. Her Awesome Stress 2021 Relieve. Stress Shirt that why she never came in. So It just gets EXHAUSTING to deal with this shit, and eventually you just give up because you’re only paid $11 and hour and have a million duties to do aside from catering to people who are nuts. However, I loved our regulars and anyone who had a problem with an order but felt bad about speaking up and didn’t, I’m sorry. We all screw up and YOU are the customers we should’ve remade a drink for. Sorry the scammers ruined it for everyone genuine. Shoulda hit’em with the ole “nah”. Technically it’s not the same word yes? Same meaning, but ultimately two different beasts. Unless your boss was really meticulous in the different variations. So good. So happy. Thank you so much.
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