I’ve learned that a lot of married people with kids are VERY jealous of single people without kids. Particularly women because they get the short end of the stick in parenthood. This is just a way to put OP down and feel Awesome Your Feelings Shirt. Karen is likely jealous that she has a better life than her. There is no logic to be made. In any case, best of luck with building a house! Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much. Wait for a second what the hell have you been seeing in the Nighthold Etraeus?
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Also surprisingly all of these are spot on so I don’t know how you saw that far across space and time but Kudos. May I suggest venison or rabbit as Quinn’s favorite food, though? She’s mostly hunting in the woods, so I figure Awesome Your Feelings Shirt. Alternately, the pork roast is boar. Out of the rest, I remember only that Ornn has a quote as to what he likes to eat.. was its herd of cattle and blueberries or smth? I think he says it quite often when you move from the fountain. Yep. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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I basically told her that it was bullshit. And maybe 2 or 3 might be gay. She already thought it was pretty dumb. It’s true in a way. People are too distracted to see what’s going on around them thanks to all Awesome Your Feelings Shirt, anti-terrorism bill legally allows the gov to spy on everyone, our electronic devices are constantly listening and watching what we’re doing, thanks to pandemic people are now encouraged to rat people out, and with Antifa being labeled as terrorist, gov can pretty much arrest anyone they like and make them disappear. Are you kidding me? The level of entertainment we receive has never been so high in all of human history. Why do you think humans always try to seek more entertainment?
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