I don’t know why, but that scene still sticks out for me because it was goddamn hysterical. Al’s Marcy insults were great, too, especially the Beaglier 2020 The Year I Got To Be A Stay At Home Dog Mom Quarantine Shirt. There was one scene where Al was trying to convince Kelly and Bud he loved them and he said something about keeping a photo of his kids in his wallet. Kelly pointed out the photo came with his wallet. And the people in it were Chinese. Then Kelly started crying and apologized for not being Chinese. The Kominsky Method is surprisingly good given Chuck Lorre’s previous work.
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I didn’t even know he created it. Then again it doesn’t use a laugh track and has some actual drama. Right? I’m going down this list cringing at some of these shows because I just think they’re so terrible. And then The Beaglier 2020 The Year I Got To Be A Stay At Home Dog Mom Quarantine Shirt. I just… I don’t get it? How is that show so good when so many of these others are so terrible? What was done differently? Where can I get more of that? He makes terrible shows on purpose because they’re incredibly cheap and makes easy money. That doesn’t necessarily mean he’s bad at his job, he just has a different focus than you might expect. Take Adam Sandler for example. Sandler is actually quite talented as an actor, but all he does is make terrible low budget movies that most people hate.
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He still makes a lot of money because he sets the scope of his work correctly and doesn’t over-invest. I mean… these shows were filmed in front of a live audience too. Big Bang theory definitely had a live audience. Reddit, in general, doesn’t understand the difference between a laugh track and a studio audience. If it has audience laughter, then “DAE hate laugh tracks? I’m far too smart to need laughter to tell me what’s funny!”. Definitely some of the one-liners were cliched but overall it was a great show.
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