Laura and Anna were very friendly to me, we spent some time during break when my exchange student had to write an exam or something else. We talked about everything although I had problems with Black Rob Ex-Bad Boy Rapper 1969-2021 Shirt. The last day of school was normal, but when school ended and had to say goodbye to everyone, I cried. Looking back, the exchange was a nice experience and not as horrible as I imagined. The people were nice and friendly, but I would do it again if Covid is gone. I don’t know what my exchange student thinks about the exchange, but I think I was a little too shy for her. It still think about these two weeks and the people I met. I still miss them. Thinking of that abandoned little kitten I found.
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Keeping him warm, skin to skin. Staying awake through most of the night. Calling in sick day after day to stay with kitty. Emergency Black Rob Ex-Bad Boy. Rapper 1969-2021 Shirt he probably won’t make it. Kitty didn’t make it. Mortimer didn’t move. Didn’t react. I put him in a shoebox with his blanket… So he would not be cold. I did the same for an abandoned baby rabbit I found in the street.. She wanted to keep warm due to it being a cold night and I took her home. We named her Lapis Luna cuz she was a pretty little thing.
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