I’ve finally surrendered to the fact that this is a big deal and Cannabis Weed 2020 #Quarantined Shirt there are going to be major economic consequences for at least a year after this. I was among the “it’s just the flu” crowd but have capitulated to a bit of concern for the people in my life who are older. That’s the bad news. The good news is that I’ve been wrong about literally every coronavirus prediction so far. So if my track record remains this should all be about wrapped up by Wednesday. That’s what I just couldn’t understand in trump’s most recent speech.
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He said a couple of times he didn’t want just anyone to get tested. Why the fuck not? I think I just experienced what true anxiety feels like. Because I’m honestly sick to my stomach with worry right now. One of the more frustrating things is seeing all of the athletes and celebrities announcing their results. Many of them are asymptomatic and still have access to testing, meanwhile, thousands of ordinary people. Who are symptomatic turn away because of a shortage of tests. My girlfriend has some symptoms but lacks a Cannabis Weed 2020 #Quarantined Shirt fever so she turns away. If she were tested and was found to have COVID, she could get unlimited sick leave because it’s a pandemic.
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But since she can’t get tested she has the choice to use her PTO or work through it. Thankfully she can work from home, so that’s what she’s been doing. I’m sure there are many like her who can’t work from home and are out there potentially spreading the disease because they can’t get tested. If you know an elderly person without friends or family to look after them, please check in on them and do what you can to make sure they have some basic supplies. I have to stop waking up I’ve finally surrendered to the fact that this is a big deal and Cannabis Weed 2020 #Quarantined Shirt there are going to be major economic consequences for at least a year after this. and reading this thread first thing in the morning every day.
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