.So I met some Cat Balloons Heart St. Patrick’s Day 2020 Shirt yanks whilst hiking through Iceland and we got talking. I mention how it stereotypes that Americans associate themselves with cultures they were not born into. Then their response was “well that’s not true as I’m actually Danish and not American”. I asked if they were born in Denmark and could speak Danish. Their response, “well no, but my great grandmas so I am Danish”. Your not Danish mate and I am sorry you lived up to the stereotype. I was a bit more civil in the comments that I was IRL as I was a little merry after a few too many expensive pints at the time.
Cat Balloons Heart St. Patrick’s Day 2020 Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck
When they said that they were neither born in Denmark or able to speak Danish I just kind of blurted out “well your not fuckin Danish are you!” Done something similar with a guy from New Jersey who told me he was Scottish, despite not being born there and have never even visited. Then he got a right cob on. Did the same again with someone from New Zealand on Imgur who said he was Scottish. They don’t half get piss off when you point out that no one from Scotland would consider them Scottish. The worst is surely Americans claiming to be Irish. Despite being born in America.
Official Cat Balloons Heart St. Patrick’s Day 2020 Sweatshirt, Hoodie
And having American parents and grandparents. And great grandparents sometimes. Then except the Japanese aren’t a nation of immigrants, nor do they ever claim to be particularly welcoming of them, have any sort of national monuments to immigration, large scale celebrations from immigrant cultures, nor do they have any form of all-pervasive media that pushes an idea of them as an open and welcoming country. Where anyone can rock up and through good honest hard work live the ‘Japanese dream’. I did one of them Ancestor DNA kits, it came back saying I was 30% Irish. Then I’ve burned the documents and sworn my wife to silence to avoid anyone finding out.
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