The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, Cute Bunny Rabbit In Egg Happy Easter Day Shirt or to the people. The federal government can still coerce states into adopting laws by withholding federal money. One example is the US drinking age being 21. Federal govt got states to adopt this by tying it to funding for state highways. Also feel like it is good to remind folks of that last bit, “the people”. The information we’re getting from public health experts and from health care providers here in Massachusetts is that yeah.
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Baker said, shaking his head. “We’re not going to be up and running by Easter. When the Easter deadline passes, he’ll just say it should have been Easter but the Blue States ruined those chances. We actually have had a few R governors. Mitt Romney several years back as well. He implemented state-funded healthcare for those who couldn’t afford private. MassHealth, we call it RomneyCare. They tried to implement it nationally, not sure if you heard about that. Then Romney ran for President and campaigned against it.
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Weird times. I like Baker, just hope he never runs for President. Keep an eye on Utah. They just had a bunch of missionaries come back from other countries and all crowded in the parking garage to welcome them back. Charlie Baker, the Republican governor of one of the most left-leaning states in the country. Also Charlie Baker, the most liked governor in the United States. As a Democrat from Massachusetts, I can say while there are things I disagree with Gov. Baker about, I am definitely a fan of his and think he’s done an amazing job. And, in this particular instance, he is right. Then this isn’t going to end by Easter.
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