Uhhh, I hope she’s got her wallet ready because that’s theft AND damage of property! Take her to court! First off, OP, English is your third language?? You speak better English than a Deadpool I’m Not Santa But You Can Sit On My Lap Anytime Christmas Shirt. I know, haha. I honestly couldn’t have guessed it wasn’t your first language if you hadn’t mentioned it. I’m currently learning second and third languages (have been for years) and it’s not easy. Major respect! Secondly, I’m so, so sorry that asshole treated you like that and destroyed your work. NONE of what she did was even remotely okay and you handled yourself like a boss in the face of her abuse. It’s okay to cry when you and/or your work are attacked like that. Crying isn’t something to be ashamed of — it’s an entirely valid way to process what you’re feeling. I absolutely would’ve cried, too.
Deadpool I’m Not Santa But You Can Sit On My Lap Anytime Christmas Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
But it’s awesome to hear that you at least got a bunch of commissions out of the whole thing. You deserve to Deadpool I’m Not Santa But You Can Sit On My Lap Anytime Christmas Shirt who tries to tell you otherwise! That’s so horrible OP. I feel angry for you too! Was the hole in the middle really big and were you able to patch it? There was someone who restored paintings for a living, and he put it on a wood board and glued it together, but some of the color came off and you can tell it tore. We tried, but it didn’t work, but my art teacher still has it. Then it’s really a nice shirt for your familly. Thank you so much.
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