It has been said that Don’t Make Me Flip My Heifer Switch Shirt retirement is merely a decision to stop trading time for money. Since I no longer need more of the latter to sustain my standard of living. And since I do not enjoy and never have enjoyed the primary method at my disposal to acquire the latter. I have decided that the former is of more value to me going forward in life. I will say little about my 11.5 years of experience as a retail pharmacist, other than to confirm what I already knew from the beginning to a much lesser extent: people are stupid, ignorant, obese, hateful, difficult, obnoxious, bigoted, misinformed, irresponsible, and intellectually lazy.
Don’t Make Me Flip My Heifer Switch Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck

However, that early retirement might also be a financial bubble in its own right. I discovered the principle beginning in 2005, but it seems to have exploded in popularity around the time of the market rebound of 2013-2014. The philosophy of financial independence only provides practical outcomes for potential retirees as long as there are others. Who will keep obliviously running on their self-imposed treadmills? Productivity must be high, and the cost of goods must below. This would not have been possible fifty years ago, and it may very well end up impossible fifty years from now. If most of my family didn’t live here and I could get a job in the US, I’d move to one of those nice warm states with no income tax in a heartbeat.
Official Don’t Make Me Flip My Heifer Switch Sweatshirt, Hoodie

Hello Florida. When my body starts to break down an ill move back to Canada for free health care. If you believe that our parents and grandparents had an easier financial adventure to navigate than the one we currently have. You seriously need to take a step back and compare what each generation would consider a decent standard of living. You skip from a 2-year-old to the teen and college years. I pay more for daycare than I do for my house. Even public education costs money. Assuming there is no cost there is ignorant. You might be in a situation that allows that, but you may be the exception.
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