Makes no difference to me who is in the White House. I remember when he put out his prediction for 2016. It turned out he was pretty close to what happened and wrote it at a time Everything Will Be Just Fine As Long As There Are Irish Setters And Wine Shirt. I’m European so I can’t vote, but you who can, please remind your friends and colleagues of Dwight Eisenhower. Republican President, a man who understood how transatlantic alliances worked. The guy who orchestrated the Normandy Invasion. Eisenhower wouldn’t like Trump. He would despise him. We Like Ike! I’ve committed 6 people to switch from sleepy joe to Trump. Its pretty easy with all the help Democrats are giving Republicans. Riots chanting death to America, the medias “mostly peaceful protest ” the easiest way to convince people is just to show them what the media says and what Republicans actually say.
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Wow, an actual moron liberal that is actual living in reality. Encourage all you want, commit fraud with mail in votes all you want, it isn’t going to change a thing. The majority of Americans see the Everything Will Be Just Fine As Long As There Are Irish Setters And Wine Shirt for the evil political ploys that they are. Some people need to stfu and crawl back into their holes of irrelevancy so Trump does NOT get re-elected. Looking at you, Fatso Moore and Hillary. The problem for me is that everyone I know who isn’t already going to vote would easily vote for Trump. Because all they hear about is how bad Biden is. For some people I’ve talked to, they even think that 90% of the stuff Trump has done is propaganda.
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