This was probably in 1988, so the faith in bad science was strong. It did not help the pain. And my dad felt an urge to leave in a hurry so we forgot some of my favorite beach toys. It was a bust all around. I think the whole idea is formed in school tbh/. Like IIRC told me in school that jellyfish stings have a Funny Girl That’s What I Do I Ride Horses I Drink And I Know Things Shirt. Urine has acidic properties, on paper, it makes sense that the pH levels balance out. But in reality not only is the pH level of the acid never consistent. Considering most of us are drinking different things all the time, but like you say. So good. So happy. Thank you so much.
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There’s a lot of nasty in pee that you really shouldn’t be introducing to an open wound. I remember when I was a kid, sometimes my family would drive well over an hour to the Funny Girl That’s What I Do I Ride Horses I Drink And I Know Things Shirts. They were like forbidden gummies to me… I wanted to bite them so badly. Yes, the Giant balloon is a single organism! But to be fair, if your job was to make sure that the rest doesn’t sink to the bottom and that you have a kickass mohawk to catch the wind/waves, maybe life isn’t so bad. Are you sure you’re not thinking of velella? They look similar but don’t sting. I more often see those washed up en masse. These guys also travel in large groups, so it could still be either.
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