Bitching about losing several hours of work because some random 10 years old blows it up with the noob bike however is somewhat justified. Sane people have no qualms with new players, just a Funny I Do Not Spew Profanities I Enunciate Them Clearly Like A Fucking Lady Shirt. If you do you get paid like 3k but you will get shit on with the most hateful profanities known to man. No one likes a guy who destroys cargo. I have no issues with new players, in fact, I’m glad to see fresh faces, some people are upset with you due to the server issues right now. Newer player here that was dumb enough to try to deliver bunker runs in a lobby of higher players.
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All the people rage killing you, new guys. Guess what? They’re the ones who are too bad at the game to kill any legit players and so they turn their ire to you. Because in the Funny I Do Not Spew Profanities I Enunciate Them Clearly Like A Fucking Lady Shirt. I‘m happy about new players and really hoping it turns down the percentage of toxic griefers for a while! Honestly. The only thing pissing me off is R* shitty servers, which even before flooded with gazillions of new chars were a pain in the as very often. Leave people delivering products from their businesses alone or they. And all of their friends will absolutely go to war on your ass.
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You seem to be a reasonable person. Sure, you should have the chance to learn the game. I can understand this. But keep in mind that the game is designed for PvP. There are two options to deal with that: Fight back or avoid it. If you want to avoid it. If you want to fight back, learn the counterplay of GTA online, and practice your skills. Most important is: Flying Jets & Helicopters properly and learning the gunfight. And most important: Learn. The. Interplay. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt.
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