I’ve always wanted a MIRV rocket launcher personally. Fire a rocket into the air then tag 3 Funny Santa’S Favorite 1st Mimi Christmas Shirt. Delayed LOS weapon essentially. That is the rocket has to travel at least 50 meters before it breaks apart into 3 rockets and has a very heavy drop so you have to aim up. Could have 3 faction-specific versions with identical stats. Nice red rockets for TR, blue rockets for NC, and purple rockets for VS. Using science fiction elements would help. I like the idea that you made with the crossbow. Having something similar like a radiation dart launcher that does damage over time rather than instant damage would be cool. So it can’t pierce the armor but sticks in keeping the player’s shield from regenerating by causing a long period of damage. So the player doesn’t even get a direction indicator and just starts losing health. Would be a fun primary or secondary weapon.
Funny Santa’S Favorite 1st Mimi Christmas Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
I want an accurate rifle-type weapon for NC maxes to compete with mercies/blueshifts and a Funny Santa’S Favorite 1st Mimi Christmas Shirt sniper rifle as a throwback to the ps1 bolt driver. Dumb bombs for ESFs and/or liberators with the possibility to-guide them with an infiltrator or light assault tool in your squad. Or they could just make the slugs work a little better for the guns we already have. Adding a new NC MAX weapon would probably force them to add more to the other factions. However, I do feel your long-range pain. Guns for the Prowler are centered in the middle of the turret. So I can actually hit targets instead of going an inch to the left of them. The longer-range options have minimal recoil and are very easy to control in 5-8 round bursts.
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