The only thing that could possibly improve him would have been born an Englishman. But nature forbids perfection so he wasn’t. Yeah, it seems weird imagining what The Funny Sewing Is My Superpower Essential Shirt. Who knows though, maybe it would have turned out great. Maybe there’s an alternate universe where it was him, and people spend time online speculating about how weird it would have been with Keanu as Neo! Agree with you there. I actually liked Will in that new Aladdin movie, though. Sure he wasn’t Robin, but he did it well and with respect.
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But then there are the rubbish newer movies that he does with his son. I mean I get that as a parent he wants success for his son but I’ve yet to meet anyone that finds him even remotely likable. Don’t think I agree. Seven pounds or I am legend Will Smith would have made an excellent Neo. There are a lot of great things about the Matrix, Keanu’s acting sure as shit isn’t one of them. Keanu Reeves played Siddharta in the movie of the Funny Sewing Is My Superpower Essential Shirt. I think he fits the role much, much better than a more “dynamic” actor like Will Smith would have. He’s sort of meant to be a blank slate upon which the audience and the characters project various things. It’s only at the end where he really assumes his power and then he’s acting I think demonstrates that great confidence and the Zen-like calm he’s now attained.
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Wild wild west costars: Kevin Kline(Oscar winner), Salma Hayek(the hottest actress around) and Kenneth Branagh as the baddie Matrix costars: Laurence Fishburne, pre-LotR Hugo Weaving, and Carrie Ann Moss. At the time wild west probably looked like a Funny Sewing Is My Superpower Essential Shirt. Much like Men in Black. He was joining as the lead in what was probably positioned as the next big franchise. That’s a great payday..for a movie that wasn’t completely horrible. But this is the part I don’t remember so well – I think he got involved later on due to the need for extra funding or something, and then he pushed the mechanical spider in. The original drafts of the script – again, as far as I remember – did not include a mechanical spider.
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