It doesn’t matter if shield bash and revenge are on cd or not. The heroic strike doesn’t use a gcd as it’s a Funny Turtle Introverts Unite Life Is Good Shirt. You should be constantly spamming it except for when you don’t have the rage too. It’s a rage dump. When you’re soloing you don’t normally need it, though you can absolutely throw it in if you have rage that’s going to decay before you get to your next target (e.g. you’re going to need to eat before pulling again and rage will decay before you’re done, so no sense in holding it). At higher gear levels, warriors can generate rage fast enough that it’s worth using to dump rage instead of capping on it.
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Protection warriors rarely have rage issues as well, especially in raids, so you can spam the shit out of it then. Protection warriors have severe rage issues – namely generating enough to keep up with the main tank and stay above the Funny Turtle Introverts Unite Life Is Good Shirt… Which is precisely why tanks gear for extra threat and often dual-wield in order to generate more. I don’t think it’s been mentioned but the single most important factor is that yellow hits cant be glancing blows. This is huge for boss fights since they’re level 63. (Where your glancing blows deal something like 40% less damage with 300 weapon skill). Or maybe its a 40% chance to glance?
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Whatever the math, it’s horrible for a tank to lose that much threat since it slows the entire raid DPS down. And makes the fight long difficult and this is the single most important use of the Funny Turtle Introverts Unite Life Is Good Shirt. For dual-wielding warriors in post AQ gear. They begin to generate so much rage from off-hand attacks that the main hand ones can be heroic strikes almost continuously. It uses the special miss% so it’s not subject to the DW penalty. And it’s a high threat so good for tanking. I still use it while leveling Arms since there’s not much else to spend your rage on. But it’s less valuable barely used once you get MS. If the mob is red to you. Or even just 3 levels higher your white damage is subject to glancing blows and hit far less than they should.
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