Yeah, that part was especially scary, slapping her in the face to make sure she’s conscious definitely invalidates any claim he Funny Wkrp Turkey Drop Shirt know what he was doing. If I were OP I would reach out to a sexual abuse hotline to help process this and get support on figuring where to go from here. This happened to me too when I was in a relationship with my first bf. I was too drunk, couldn’t walk/talk/keep my eyes open, and woke up with a sore asshole. He informed me that “we” had had anal sex the night before. It took me years to realize it was rape. It’s really good you are realizing it sooner rather than later. I am so sorry this happened to you, you’re being really strong about this and I hope you take some time to do self-care. If you do report it, please bring a friend and make sure you set up a support system beforehand!
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I would also consider it rape. I interpret you to feel and got violated. His needs came before your well-being and state of Funny Wkrp Turkey Drop Shirt. I’d consider it a violation and a breakup. He 100% should’ve worried MOST about taking care of you – at least that’s what a good and decent person would do. And if he felt sexually frustrated then he could’ve handled it in another room. He didn’t just violate you as a bf but also as a friend and as a human being. I hope this isn’t too heavy on you. Honey, he knew the first time you were too out of it and he really should have gathered for the second time. He did actually rape you. I agree with all of the other commenters that he did rape you.
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