I read something recently when he was doing press for The Irishman… and after decades of accolades and awards and praise, Pacino, to amuse himself, now likes to take on so-so scripts to see. If just by himself, he can elevate that movie to mediocrity. Kind of a fun approach in away. He really will do anything. I remember an interview a Funny Yes I Am Old But I Saw The Rolling Stones On Stage Shirt. If he can make them better. Honestly, his roles in bad movies make me respect him more than his roles in the good ones. He has a very interesting philosophy about taking controversial gigs. I don’t think he does that for money.
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I think he just sincerely doesn’t care, which I find actually a good feature for an actor. There are no bad roles, only bad acting. If you pay me lots of money, I’d act in your shitty film too. And I’d give it 100% so that people can say “my god this film was shit, but the lead was amazing”. Of all the Funny Yes I Am Old But I Saw The Rolling Stones On Stage Shirt Bay saying superhero movies are “not his gig”. I saw people talking about ninja turtles which I guess is more comparable… But in terms of “prestige” or “elegance” of storytelling through film, Michael Bay is definitely in the conversation with some of the campiest superheroes movies. He’s the dude where every shot is a closeup of an actor with the camera on a semi-circular track moving around them. His cameras have attention deficit disorder. It seems perfect for a superhero movie.
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I’m honestly curious how far off he thinks the transformers universe is from a superhero universe. If you put capes on them it’s the same fucking thing. Imagine he just started using that as a pseudonym for his new career directing small. Understated indie movies with only 3-4 explosions in them. That was pretty hilarious. I mean, wasn’t the Ninja Turtles essentially a Funny Yes I Am Old But I Saw The Rolling Stones On Stage Shirt? On top of that, it was apparently slapped around by executives so much that it might as well have been directed by the studio itself. You’re surprised that someone like Michael Bay is too divorced from how his movies come off to understand that he already makes superhero movies?
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