No, you don’t need to do all of the things listed here to get the platinum. The platinum is much simpler. For instance, you don’t have to worry about collecting anything than weapons and hunter tools. The Funny Your Honeypot Is Bare Beekeeper Vintage Shirt, is getting lucky for gem drops for Blood Gem Master and Blood Gem Contact trophies. I think you’ll have them before finishing the chalice dungeons if you pick everything you see up. Still going through this awesome work but would like to point out that you are missing picking up Empty Phantasm Shell in Byrgenwerth and defeating Rom will not trigger Blood Moon (will not advance NPC quests) but approaching the Yharnam, you can defeat Rom and bold hunter mark from the Moonside Lake without triggering anything. I get those added right away.
Funny Your Honeypot Is Bare Beekeeper Vintage Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
You can get the Master’s Helm without co-op by putting it off second; use one vermin from the DLC in playthrough 1 to get the gesture, then hold onto the rest. Once you hit playthrough 2, you’ll get a second set of three giving you the five vermin you need exactly. You’ll definitely want to get the Funny Your Honeypot Is Bare Beekeeper Vintage Shirt persist on NG+. From my experience, the hidden crushed vermin counter does not reset when entering a new game +, so you only need to find two the second time around. You’re right about the messenger hats though, only the one your messengers are wearing is carried over. So what would be your recommended God-like build/weapon to 100% everything? Although it all comes down to preference and skill I believe. Thank you so much.
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