It’s controlled, and showing dominance over the ex. You can’t do anything without my permission and only what I want. Guy’s an ass, and it came back to bite him in the ass. I’ve seen this Great Pro Joe Biden Voting Gift Shirt With Funny Biden Quote Will You Just Shut Up Man Shirt. Be with the daughter on it, won’t think to talk to the dad, they’ll get home from the salon. And the dad has a fit, calls his daughter a slut because she has colored hair. Mom will just side with him quietly and they’ll shave the poor girl’s head. It’s not always just a power move, some people genuinely think it’s “trashy” to do things like this, and will get so petty as to chop off their child’s hair. It’s a power move in the sense that they’re exerting dominance. Thank you so much.
Great Pro Joe Biden Voting Gift Shirt With Funny Biden Quote Will You Just Shut Up Man Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
But the reasons behind it are not about having that power over the other person. It’s almost a perfect example of how over-bearing some parents can be. And don’t think there’s anything wrong. For real – in high school, I dyed my hair all the time. A guy I was dating wanted me to dye his hair too, so we dyed it electric blue. His mom was so pissed she shaved his head Mr. Clean style and wouldn’t let us hang out anymore. She started driving him to and from school, and if he went anywhere (even work!), she’d randomly show up to make sure I wasn’t there. It was insane. So it’s really a nice shirt for your family.
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