HoodieThat’s the problem though man if your day doesn’t start without it, it means you need to find enjoyment in sobriety. Because getting high multiple times a day isn’t sustainable Hellraiser Jason Voorhees Freddy Krueger Friends Halloween Shirt. Not the best time right now, but any responsibility to be sober really helps. Work, school, whatever; if someone else needs you to be sober, it’s so much easier. I started heavy HEAVY smoking in March when the pandemic came and no job, nowhere to go, just nothing to do besides smoke and watch Netflix. I stopped 5 days ago. I’m debating how long I should take a break. I find that I’m not clear-headed sober when I do that. 6 weeks off and I feel like I’m competent and witty again. I’m just super sensitive to chemicals. That said, I can usually only manage 6 weeks because of a lack of access. Ok.
Hellraiser Jason Voorhees Freddy Krueger Friends Halloween Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
As soon as I started doing dabs, I knew it was the crack of THC. I’m a goner. I hope to wrangle myself soon, but I have 4 different concentrates now. Sheesh. It’s like being a weed junkie. Knew a kid in high school who has a giant burn scar Hellraiser Jason Voorhees Freddy Krueger Friends Halloween Shirts his dabs. She thought it would be funny to aim the torch at his arm and light it for a quick second. Brilliant right? Yeah, I know someone that’s happened too. I’ve almost had a girl do it to be funny enough. People don’t realize torches aren’t toys. I knew a kid who just grabbed a hot ass banger once. We’re like “I wonder if the banger. Thank you so much. Ok.
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