I personally think one of the very basic challenges Hillary had was she was not very popular and she didn’t have the charisma to move people to vote. This election is going to be different I Act Like I’m Ok But Deep Down I Just Need To Go Camping Vintage Shirt they thought Hillary’s victory was unavoidable and didn’t bother to show up to vote. I think these elections people are very aware of how expectations can be very very wrong. I agree with the voter turnout points. I’ve read articles that say that modern-day politics is very little about convincing independent voters to switch sides. And vastly more about getting your potential supporters to the polls. Hey, it helps a bunch of frustrated millionaires feel like they’re helping. Better than vacuuming up a kilo of coke and crashing their Ferrari into a telephone pole I guess.
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Still breaks my heart that we had to settle for Joe Biden when we could have had Bernie Sanders. But anyone is better than Trump. Biden 2020! Edit: downvote away! Trump is still awful I Act Like I’m Ok But Deep Down I Just Need To Go Camping Vintage Shirt. Biden is still a better alternative who’s ahead in the polls. And Bernie is still the best candidate we could have elected. I voted for Bernie in 2016 and 2020. I am a social-democrat, I like a lot of what Bernie has to say, but sometimes we got to deal with the political realities and pragmatism that Bernie may have been in some ways riskier for Democrats. Thank you so much. Have a nice day.
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