I woke up to her throwing up by the bed. After she felt better I noticed pants were bloody. Well, leaks happen. Turned over the blankets of the bed and it was like a fucking crime scene. Had to change everything before we went back to bed. But you did I Am A Crocheter Of Course I’m Crazy Do You Think A Sane Person Would Hoard So Much Yarn Shirt. Our vizsla was mostly just moody and tired and bled a ton. We didn’t have to change up our usual exercise routine. For some dogs, nipping their ovaries before they’re fully developed can lead to their hips not growing properly & hip problems, potentially spine problems later down the road. Society at 6mo (maybe a bit earlier even). I know they tend to have hip problems, and I’m worried this will make it worse.
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I’d say just keep her active so she has the good muscle mass to compensate for the bone density, get her used to use steps to get up on things early, vitamins for bone strength. I’m no vet, but that’s what I’ve been doing with my pug. I also think diet is a I Am A Crocheter Of Course I’m Crazy Do You Think A Sane Person Would Hoard So Much Yarn Shirt fluctuations. Keep her lean. Less weight to carry around. She’s 5 now, and still a shell of her former self. She’s scared of everything and everyone gets absolutely bullied by other cats outside. So she has to meticulously plan when she leaves to stretch/go the loo. It’s really sad, I’ve since been told by a few friends and our puppy trainer to wait until after
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