When I was a kid they used to show that movie during the after-school program whenever it thunderstorms and we couldn’t play outside. They always started it from the I May Live In The USA But My Story Began In Guatemala Shirt. I saw the beginning of that movie about 30 times and never saw the ending. I’ve always hated that movie because it really was the never-ending story for me. If that actually went anywhere, the producers would just argue that it’s a movie about The Neverending Story. When you watch the dramatization named Steve Jobs, no one complains that the real Steve Jobs isn’t in the movie. All of it is mere puffery and not actionable in a civil suit.
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You could just say the title was puffery and walk. It’s the same as a cafe with a sign that says “best coffee in the world”. Or coke having an ad that shows people instantly having fun once they drink it. Yes, being a part of legal doctrine for centuries. I cannot I May Live In The USA But My Story Began In Guatemala Shirt. Because of people shitting up English courts with endless civil suits for outrageous advertising. Kinda like the person who actually had enough Pepsi points to get a jet. Sued when they didn’t give it to him, and the judge held that. It was clearly not reasonable even if it was false advertising? I miss the era of ars on copyright law and government surveillance programs. They’re still around here and there, but you’re more likely to find a review on a new Honda sedan.
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