Your husband should just count his lucky stars that the kids come out healthy and happy…..I never understood the obsession with a certain gender? I’m a mom and I always wanted girls, just because I understand girls and I don’t know anything about little boys. (Got two daughters, now done.) I don’t blame people for having an I Only Trust Someone Who Can See Three Things In Me The Sorrow Behind My Smile Silence Shirt. We had family friends growing up that had nine daughters. Old school Italians, very patriarchal, and very concerned about carrying on the family name. Their tenth (and last) baby was a boy. He became a priest.
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This sounds similar to a friend of mine. He’s number 6 of 6 kids because they wanted a boy. Not only is he gay but because of how they have treated him since he came out he decided that he & his husband will adopt and he took his husband’s last name. Weird, it’s like patriarchy is actually not good for anybody or something. That would be an I Only Trust Someone Who Can See Three Things In Me The Sorrow Behind My Smile Silence Shirt. A family with 15 sons because the parents just kept trying for a girl until they were too old to conceive. The only problem is that child actors fucking suck. What about an animated sitcom with adults voicing the children? I hate to inform you that until quite recently and still most of the time it is adults voicing children anyway. I’m one of five, four girls and one boy. People always assume that my brother is the youngest, obviously, they kept trying to get a boy.
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Umm no, my brother isn’t last and my sisters aren’t consolation prizes. I’m one of seven, six girls and a boy. The boy is the I Only Trust Someone Who Can See Three Things In Me The Sorrow Behind My Smile Silence Shirt. Actually they originally intended to have 8 kids regardless of sex but had to stop at 7 for reasons. It’s so SO obnoxious to have friends and strangers assume you’re some sort of vending machine disappointment. My aunt has 2 boys, a girl and then 2 boys. She was ALWAYS asked if she was disappointed that she kept trying and only had one girl. My aunt-my husband and I planned to have 4 to 6 children. So I could care less what gender my kids are.
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