The Swans aren’t to get the I Ride So I Can Keep Social Distance Shirt. And saying Essendon needs a player like Florent or McCartin is completely one-sided grandstanding, It’s ridiculous. It probably reflects that Joe is contracted. Ultimately, it does come down to. It’s part of the Swans package I’m afraid. Never talk to the press. You take the good with the bad. I can understand the Bomber’s logic that they don’t have a KPF replacement. But that’s not our problem in the end. I don’t think the Daniher trade happens at this point. They’re asking for a price that values him higher than the danger trade because to them he’s worth that much. He’s not worth.
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That much to us and we’re not going to leverage our future for a KPF with constant OP for the last two years. It’s an I Ride So I Can Keep Social Distance Shirt. This is a game-changer, thank you for sharing. If St Kilda shot themselves in the foot on the Hill trade for Ben King and this is true this is going to be hilarious. Awesome news for us! Don’t think dad will be happy though. That would make me very happy. The timing of it, if accurate, could significantly change the trading strategy of some teams as well. There is the word on BF that this might not be true, could you be mistaken on this? I really hope they do announce tomorrow. So sick of listening to speculative vultures constantly picking at our carcass. 2 minutes of speculation then 10 minutes of straight ads. Fuck you hutch you money hungry fat grub.
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I say the same thing about prices at Adelaide Oval. If everyone stopped buying, prices go down. Alas, beer lines are 30 deep the whole game and nothing improves… Don’t forget the I Ride So I Can Keep Social Distance Shirt. It reminds me of writing essays and assignments just repeating the same points over and over again but trying to make them sound different. It’s actually interesting watching them try and stretch 5 minutes of content into 5 hours. Especially when they had no trades to talk about. Also, I listen to it as I go to sleep. Sorry mate, given that the three players you’ve mentioned have all just signed on for 4 years, I just can’t see that one happening.
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