Wait no you should always neuter your cats before the first heat cycle. I’m very sorry yours has had a bad I Smell Hand Sanitizer Lots And Lots Of Hand Sanitizer Teacher Halloween Hair Shirt. Or neuter them before they have any signs of sexual behavior. It’s to stop them from learning what spraying is, among other reasons. They can’t get extremely territorially angsty or angry if they’ve never been exposed to the hormones that drive those feelings. Like I said, although I’m very sorry to hear your kitty had a bad experience, please do neuter or spay cats when they’re around 6 months old. Hell, our local shelter spays them the minute they’re 2 kilo’s which could be from 4 months to 6. To further note, there’s no such thing as kill shelters. Thank you so much. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women.
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The advice for dogs has a lot more variety, including breed differences to do with their bone growth. There was recently a giant study done on dogs and risks when you do or don’t spay/neuter them at various ages with a lot of different breeds. I know I Smell Hand Sanitizer Lots And Lots Of Hand Sanitizer Teacher Halloween Hair Shirts years. Because that’s when their hips are finally fully grown. My Molly wasn’t spayed when we got her like we were told, so now she’s 3. And we’re saving to get the operation done. Poor things heat cycles really do a number. We wanted a lab but according to studies you shouldn’t spay/neuter until at least 1.5 years of age due to hip dysplasia and cancer risks.
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