Oh God, I’m so embarrassed, because I remember doing that kind of thing with my 5 roommates. There was the one girl who wasn’t scared of making phone calls, and the rest of us nervous idiots. So, on behalf of your roommates – I’m sorry. I will seriously pick a If You Think Im An Ass Hole You Should Meet My Brother Skull American Flag Shirt. But I used to work at a health insurance call center. So I feel like my aversion to phones is semi-justified. My kid was paralyzed with nervousness making a phone call. He was in Boy Scouts, and in order to earn a badge, the scout has to call the person who is that badge counselor. We had him write out a script, like this. Mr. Smith, my name is (say your name) from Troop 47.
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When he says fine and tells you when, where, and what time, WRITE THAT DOWN. Then say. It If You Think Im An Ass Hole You Should Meet My Brother Skull American Flag Shirt of the kid making the phone call and not the parent is, like OP said, exposure therapy. After earning a couple of badges, he was confident enough not to need a script anymore. This is also why every monthly parent/family meeting in Cub Scouts, the different Cub Packs have to get up in front of the audience and put on a little skit, tell jokes, sing a song, etc. At a very young age, it gets them used to public speaking, without them even being aware of it. Just telling your kid to get over it and stop being a sissy, like a lot of parents would have.
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