You must be one of the nerds that like to role play as action hero and invaded the capitol. An amazing display of fighting back, the rest of the world was laughing ate your country. Just be careful, don’t be hurt or you will go bankrupt in. That god-I’m Not The Stepdad I’m The Dad Who Stepped Up Shirt. Don’t worry about what we do with our guns over here. Besides Don’t you have deep-rooted socio-economic issues to look at? Knives and other arbitrary objects to ban? People like you are why it’s hard to take the opinions of Europeans seriously.. Don’t comment on our way of life, pay attention to your own. Just saying. I accidentally cut a man off when. No matter how much you keep repeating your empty words, your guns.
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won’t do anything for you and never did, you are all brainwashed by the people running that business for money and you follow like sheep. Did I mention freedom of speech anywhere? Way to bring a random I’m Not The Stepdad I’m The Dad Who Stepped Up Shirt just. Because something was written on a to be followed. You guys break the actual law and kill people without batting an eye but then cling on to stuff like the bible and constitution to defend your points. You quoted a couple of lines are replied with a bunch of stuff that literally. Mkes no sense and has nothing to do with the original point. Great job bud. Not bad for someone that had to fear for his life in school. Makes sense you guys are so dense.
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