I’d actually consider it very similar. Playing Horizon now and near the end and started up Ghost of. Tsushima as well and the base traverse via horse, discover shit on a map and go from points on a map for sidequests. And the main quests are extremely. Similar in Imagine Breaking Into My House And Hearing Honk Honk Before Getting Smoked Gun Shirt. The only real difference is that combat is slightly different. That and you’re in feudal Japan instead of a post-post-apocalypse. Same. It’s not going to go down as a masterpiece game because the story isn’t great (but still good) and it didn’t really completely revolutionize anything like Bloodborne’s combat (or Dark Souls I guess). But I mean, it did everything else fucking phenomenally. And the combat FEELS like one of the best systems ever, even though technically it’s not. So good.
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There’s this thing called Resolve. Resolve allows you to use abilities and heal. You get resolve by killing enemies, parrying attacks, and other ways. It definitely is. Drop into the Imagine Breaking Into My House And Hearing Honk Honk Before Getting Smoked Gun Shirts good. It is as well as 100s of in-game clips, both fun. And serious ones. Seems it keeps going back to full every time a heal is used… is the game really enjoyable if you can’t die? Even on hard the combat got stale and boring in places, can’t imagine not having to worry about anything at all. It normally wouldn’t build that fast, but he entered a story area where the archers spam you with the point of killing you instantly. He basically found a way to exploit it.
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