We talked with a few people. Some are concerns that one test isn’t enough, others are worried about Into The Wine Not The Label Shirt and people not following guidelines and being let off the boat infected. Mostly, everyone is just generally bored and afraid of the uncertainty around the whole thing. The 19th is some mystical date that we all are hailing, but will it really be the day? We’re hopeful! At first, people thought it was going terribly, but now Princess has truly gone above and beyond what anyone could have ever asked of them.
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Gotta say that the lack of cynicism in your posts is extremely refreshing. Thanks for being so positive in the midst of a really challenging situation. I try to check in Into The Wine Not The Label Shirt what’s going on with you at least once a day and am encouraged by you and your perspective on your situation. He’s doing great! He’s chewed up most of the toys that we sent him to my wife’s parents with, so they’ve had to buy him a few new toys. His favorite toy was a volcano stuffed with dinosaurs – how cool is that?! We’re excited to see him.
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We sometimes hear our neighbor on the phone, but our other neighbor and their mother have been taken off the ship due to the virus. Our neighbors across the hall are an Asian couple from the US and a couple from the UK. We talk to them any time we have room service to deliver Into The Wine Not The Label Shirt and food. We always open the balcony door when we open our door so everyone gets a nice breeze. I won’t really get to report while on the plane. But I plan on writing the entire day in a notepad. Once landed, I’ll post everything with a time stamp. I’ll continue to post throughout our quarantine, and will report further as people request!
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