Actually a good post. Like bro im not the best player in the world, unlike every brat. Claims to be himself but when you give somebody some of the advice. You’ve Joe Biden Vote 2020 Funny Vintage Retro Style Political Shirt. Like buddy if you literally 1:build shit. And like shit. Then at least take some fucking advice to what is BETTER than what you are doing. But not they keep doing that and when they go like 0-10 they yell in that chat: REPORT TEAM, ME GOOD THEY BAD. I really think that over 80% of smite’s community, at least till higher rankings are 12 yo’s brats. Many players have inflated egos and it’s honestly embarrassing how some are in masters currently. I’d even attest they’re much worse now due to the variance and system currently in place.
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. On their bibs waiting to be. Spoon-fed on what they should do next. (Which should’ve been Fire Joe Biden Vote 2020 Funny Vintage Retro Style Political Shirts team). Funny enough, they were plat from prior seasons. I had a guy earlier today that skipped all the bans, and when I asked him why, he told me to stop crying, and to have a higher MMR than him if I wanted bans. Luckily someone else on my team dodged, so I didn’t have to play that game, but why even queue for ranked if you’re going to be like that. The difference between a good player and a bad. Player is when they realize they fucked up and admit to it. Shout out to all those. Jungles who “ganked” my lane to get me killed and put me. It can be very aggravating to watch them run around like a chicken with their head cut off.
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