We all get old, but to think there is an arbitrary number where you no longer deserve to be alive is stupid. You can be at deaths door at 40. You can be the life of the party at 90. They Language Is Wine Upon The Lips Shirt. They don’t keep you alive at whatever the cost, if your quality of life is shit, they make sure they don’t go out of their way to save you. The brutal reality is actually super fucked up, if you are a 50yr old homeless person with no next of kin and a drug problem….they arent going to jump through hoops to save you. If you are 90, but otherwise healthy and with a loving family, they will go further. I don’t think anyone is arguing against extending the life of a 90 year old to 100, assuming reasonable quality of life.
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That’s not what the person above is referring to. It’s more like, you get a few more weeks of being technically alive, but only marginally aware of. Your surroundings and probably in pain Language Is Wine Upon The Lips Shirt bed. They already take into account the quality of life, if you ar. Going to die regardless, they don’t keep you alive. If there is a chance of making a recovery, they then do. What they can, which shouldnt take age into account as if old people. Have any less of a right to live than anyone else. The issue comes when it’s not just a binary 100% going to die no matter what vs. 0% chance of death with a given treatment. I think age should absolutely be considered in cases where chances of adding any substantial time are low (but nonzero).
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