The best thing you can do for your dog is getting professional training and buy Lucky Maltese Dog Shamrock St Patrick Day Shirt. It allows you and your dog to communicate effectively and brings you closer. I felt the same with my adopted lab mix and she is much calmer now that we can “speak” to one another. They are very smart, obedient and train pretty easily. Crate training worked great for my two. They are calm and not yappy like some small breeds. And they are wonderful little dogs, I will always own this breed! All they want is to love you! They look bigger than they are because of their coats but underneath they are as small as chihuahua so they are not good to have around small children who may get too rough with them.
Lucky Maltese Dog Shamrock St Patrick Day Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck
Maltese is a breed that can have Liver Shunts, look it up to get an idea, make sure that the parent dogs do not have this, it is fatal unless they get an operation to correct it. The breed is also prone to other liver issues. Both of mine have high liver enzymes that may or may not shorten their lifespan. Grooming: I keep mine in a short coat. You still have to bush them, especially the ears and tails because they mat. Have to blow dry them after a bath to work out the tangles! Hope that helps and remember whatever breed you get, Spay and Neuter!!!
Official Lucky Maltese Dog Shamrock St Patrick Day Sweatshirt, Hoodie
Here is always a reason for a dog’s behavior, it never comes out of nowhere. You need a dog trainer or a behaviorist at this point. Maybe a veterinary behaviorist if you can find one. At least have the dog cleared by a vet to ensure it’s not medically caused. Avoid any dominance or “balanced” trainers. Then find an experienced positive based trainer or behaviorist who has dealt with aggression. Neutered dogs are typically less aggressive and prone to dominating behavior, but it doesn’t mean that there isn’t any kind of tendency there to act on them, just that it’s a lot rarer for it to happen. Then I personally haven’t had a lot of experience with two male dogs co-existing if they weren’t brought up together.
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