Judea dead. It’s not even close, the Palestinians openly want the complete destruction of Jews and Israel, so what would you have them do? If Israel wanted the same thing for arabs it would have happened in the 40s. Learn some godam history. I was listening to NPR the other day and May Queen Stepping Into. Chapter 50 Like A Boss Shirt. As soon as the US ambassador mentioned how indiscriminate the violence of the IDF is and their doctrine of disproportional response, another guest interrupted her to say “yeah but Hamas started it”. Yup. It’s essentially the same relationship as the US and Al Qaeda. We created the original Islamic extremists when we funded the Mujahideen to fight the Soviets, then we kept bombing the shit out of their countries, then we act surprised and offended when the terrorism turns on us.
May Queen Stepping Into Chapter 50 Like A Boss Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie

NPR is very much no longer left-leaning. It’s very hard to listen to these days. It plays like pure for Boomers these days. There’s no investigation, no accountability, no pressing back. May Queen Stepping Into Chapter 50 Like A Boss Shirt on the surface but reads much more like compliance and justification across the conservative spectrum. Deeply disappointing. And I’m not even radicalized! Same with the PBS News Hour, although that was happening long before the pandemic. You just need to look at the list of corporate sponsors they put up at the start of every broadcast to know where they stand. They have so much lingering cachet with liberals from the days when they were the McNeil/Lehrer report; my parents watch it religiously and even though they’re vehemently opposed to Israel’s actions.
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