It was a fudged study that couldn’t be replicated by anyone by a doctor that got his license revoked. Because of unethical procedures that were trying to push his own type of vaccine. It’s something for idiots to latch onto and it doesn’t even matter how stupid the idea is because of confirmation bias. And the desire to see yourself as smarter than everyone else. Believe it Mom Knows A Lot But Grandma Knows Everything If She Doesn’t Know She Makes Stuff Up Really Fast Shirt. Jill Stein and Gary Johnson also voiced anti-science opinions. Chris Christie also hated vaccines. I’ll never forgive Dr. Ben Carson for back peddling on vaccinations in the GOP debate. He said, “There are a “multitude” of vaccines that do not prevent deadly and crippling diseases.
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He also said “It is true that we are probably giving way too many in too short a period of time…and a lot of pediatricians now recognize that and I think are cutting down on the number. And the proximity in which those are done and I think that’s appropriate. In context, he Mom Knows A Lot But Grandma Knows Everything If She Doesn’t Know She Makes Stuff Up Really Fast Shirt. In that platform, he should have taken a stand in front of the entire country to support good medical science. He was a pediatric neurosurgeon after all. My parents fell for it too and began questioning vaccinations after that. I was livid but they love trump so what did I expect? So good. So happy. Thank you so much. Ok.
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