Nevermind he leveraged the FED to print trillions and backdoored billions to his crony friends without an oversite committee. He wants to give capital gains tax! Just crazy in a year where we have record wall st transactions. The right is so blind to what he’s doing it’s Never Underestimate An Old Man Who Loves Karate And Was Born In June Moon Shirt won’t be anything left to trickle down to his already poor red states. I don’t question if a civil war is going to break out but how we are going to communicate with the many out of work people looking for a job that will inevitably volunteer for a job to hold up Marshall law. But Big Pharma got what it paid for. It’s not just Reddit saying that. It’s consistent data for months now. Thank you so much.
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The problem with our system is that being ahead in the polls doesn’t matter if you’re not ahead in the right places. However, Biden is still leading in almost every swing state. Trump still has time to turn things around, and could still squeak by on a narrow EC victory. But Never Underestimate An Old Man Who Loves Karate And Was Born In June Moon Shirts no way he’s winning by margins greater than in 2016. He has done nothing at all to expand his voting bloc beyond his core supporters. And yes, those core supporters essentially worship him, but he needs more than them to win. Last time, the late deciding voters broke for him. That could happen again, but he’s in trouble there too because polls show less people are undecided this year. That makes sense – there are far less “let’s give him a chance” types out there.
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