I don’t try too hard. Sometimes and directly inviting somebody to participate in the conversation helps them to participate in the Nice A Queen Was Born On 9th January Happy Birthday To Me Shirt. Just trying to see if they’re shy and have something to say, or if they just I have nothing to say. I ask because a lot of the time they want to talk about themselves but are too shy. So, rather than asking why are you so quiet, I ask leading questions about what they like. It gets people to open up and feel more comfortable around you. I am very quiet and feel refreshed after a few hours of being alone, but I still enjoy being around people and letting others run the show. However she is just the opposite and doesn’t understand kids in school that are not that way. I had to explain to her that some kids don’t have much to say and that’s a-ok, doesn’t mean.
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So I ask why they’re so quiet, or something to that effect, to gauge their reaction. If they go oh no I’m fine everything is fine. I go ok, Nice A Queen Was Born On 9th January Happy. Birthday To Me Shirt just quiet. If they start pissing and moaning about how annoying and evil and terrible that question is, I stop hanging out with them lol. I think the best response would be something along the line of, “I am secretly two raccoons and a squirrel occupying this empty body. I worry if I speak too much people will be on to the act”. Make sure you whisper it so they doubt what they heard. I really don’t know what people are looking for though. As an extrovert, I only ask when I see someone clearly not feeling his or her best and just wants a listening ear or to be left alone for a bit. How I act after that depends on the response I receive.
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