The Frenchie is doing a nondominant move and having Nice Addidogs Bulldog Shirt. It’s common behavior for dogs he’s showing he’s subservient before moving towards the food. Most pack and herd animals will do this from time to time. Frenchies can be sensitive to a lot of things including shots depending on genetics. Obviously vaccinate but on a schedule for them and maybe broken up to allow for narrowing down if something did happen ie instead of shots that were 7 in ones we did 4-5 in ones and supplemented the rough ones for Frenchies spaced out. If you get bordetella vaccine do the shot or the new oral, never the nose sprays for beachy breeds.
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If you can hunt around on city groups for a Frenchie experienced vet. They ever need to go under for a spay/neuter or emergency their anesthesia protocol is different from monarchy breeds. We took scans of ours and have them in the car, home, work, etc. Frenchies are also so rewarding and fun so have fun when you can, be consistent, carry around to expose to new people places and sounds without touching the ground before vaccines. Ours is an angel and so quiet and zoomie then calm. So much more I wanna Gish but you if you want more info from our experience.
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He was born May 3rd so we are still developing with him! If at all possible get it near another vaccinated dog. Whether that means living with a friend for a few weeks or something. It will do best around another dog. If it’s not possible then just ignore all advice about crate training etc. That dog needs to be cuddled up with you as much as possible, it needs to sleep near you too. I picked my boy because he has a tail and wouldn’t stop wagging it and licking my face when we first met. People think he’s a mix sometimes but he’s not.
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