OMG, I dated an absolute douche musician who was also a band teacher. He told me that he was annoyed teachers could no longer teach with doors closed because of “political correctness. And that he Nice America Flag This Is How Patriots Take A Knee Shirt of brass instruments! Whenever I see a music teacher busted for kiddie porn I think of him. Mine had to go to mandatory anger management classes one summer to keep his job because he would throw shit at people and have an absolute fucking meltdown over stuff like not having a pencil, etc. Mine had to also! He even had a name for that mood. He called it “the angry old man” and would threaten to “bring the angry old man back” if we didn’t get our shit together and play perfectly. So good. Thank you so much.
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Fucking ridiculous. I mentioned in another comment he was forced to retire because he went after a Jewish kid who needed to miss a performance for an event at his temple. He was hired immediately by a large university in our area. facepalm. I’ve been working with band directors for 7 years now. The majority of band directors who do it Nice America Flag This Is How Patriots Take A Knee Shirt. They tend to be very arrogant people who enjoy having power over children and teenagers. I’ve heard some of the most awful things said about students come from band directors (for example comments about 14-year-old girls underwear, calling students mentally handicapped, wondering out loud what a student would look like doing sexual acts, etc.). And these people are always well respected in the community.
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