Their strange opposition to her makes me want to contribute to her future campaigns. If they weren’t so opposed, I’d be less likely to think of it. It isn’t even the logic that impresses me the most, it is the deft turning of the phrase. “But our job is to serve, not rule”. Sharp, pointed, shit right there. A spear right to the heart of the matter. How many Vulcan Starfleet Nice Coronavirus Ruined My Baseball Plans Shirt? Most of the Starfleet captains represented seem to be human. They’re never captaining a Hero Ship in any of the series (other than reliable old Spock), I guess cuz it was hard enough for viewers to relate to women and minorities as authority figures in the shows, let alone blue dudes with goopy faces. But there are some pretty cool non-human captains in the lore. So good. So happy.
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In addition to this, all citizens of a federation member are allowed to serve in Starfleet without any restrictions. As well, the Vulcans also have their own Vulcan exploratory service, known as the Vulcan Science Academy, who sometimes field ships as well. DS9 actually has an entire episode about Nice Coronavirus Ruined My Baseball Plans Shirt. Starfleet Captain who is a Vulcan Supremacist and has an entirely Vulcan crew. They settle it over baseball. I’d love to see the people criticizing her do a reality show where they attempt to hold down the waitressing and bartending jobs she’s done in the past. How long do you think it’d take before these assholes exploded at customers for not treating them as if they were god’s gift to Earth?
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