If I were the guy in that car I’d first check to see I was ok, then weep at the sight of that mangled car. That looked like a fairly new Mercedes sports car of some sort. I like that not only the filming biker stops to help, but also in the end you see a guy on a green Nice Gator Bait Crocodile Shirt. Thank god for people like that. About 35% of the world’s population lives in left-side driving countries (74 countries versus 166 driving on the right) so actually quite a few places. Today, about 65% of the world’s population lives in countries with right-hand traffic and 35% in countries with left-hand traffic. About 90% of the world’s total road distance carries traffic on the right and 10% on the left. Thank you so much. SO happy.
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..Only one? Another guy pulled in behind the motorcyclist onto the grassy median. You can see after the guy turns away from the squashed car. Damn sensationalist headlines. Not only Nice Gator Bait Crocodile Shirt… Everyone seems to ignore the big fat SUV that pulled over and you can clearly see the driver getting out. I think OP was referring to the pack of cars just driving off from the light, but yeah there were quite a few other folks stopping to assist in this video. Finding out that people can be really big tools on here. Good to know. Nope. Accidents are very common here and not really newsworthy. Today, about 65% of the world’s population live in countries with right-hand traffic and 35% in countries with left-hand traffic. About 90% of the world’s total road distance carries traffic on the right and 10% on the left.
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