Some people get super angry because they get Nice Husband Wife Jeeping Partners For Life Shirt and stuck behind another vehicle and can’t go as fast as they want to, or perceived prevention of you merging onto the highway, etc. I’ve never understood the sentiment personally. I’ve been annoying, sure, but why potentially try to kill someone by causing an accident? You’re being way too generous towards our species mate. I had an asshole do this to me once. I was in the middle-left lane & he was driving slow, so I go into the passing lane. He speeds up, goes in front of me in the passing lane,
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I’m like “Whatever, as long as he’s moving” but then the douchebag slows down again. Annoyed, but I just go back into the middle-left. He follows me. I tried to outplay him by moving to the right since there was a car to his right. I had a clear shot to make it all the way to the slow lane, & I knew a new lane was about to open up for merging/exit only, which was my exit. But the asshole speeds up & gets in front of that person & cuts all the way to the left. He ended up getting in front of me in the exit only lane and he slowed down to 40 mph (flow of traffic was about 70) & holds the lane down until I’m about to exit, then gets out & keeps going straight while I exited.
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To this day, I have no idea wtf it was all about but it still annoys me so it’s hard not to acknowledge that he won. Some people are angry at the world that their dick is small. My best guess. There is nothing wrong with having a small dick. People come in all shapes and sizes. But people can make a choice about being a huge douchebag or not! I’d hate to be the cop in this instance. It’s going to be like talking to a preschooler because it’s going to be the asshole in the Jeep trying to justify their actions with baseless information while blaming everything else but themselves.
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