Funny how that’s working out for them now. They made it a political issue and it’s become one. The blue states have pretty much done an effective job managing the pandemic against incredible pushback. And propaganda from the federal government and red states are a Nice I May Live In Arizona My Story In But My Story Began In New Mexico Shirt. Problems dealing with it and leading up to a very important election. The worst contraction of GDP is our nation’s history and unemployment keeps increasing. These problems are now so hard to fix due to the anti-mask/chloroquine/fake numbers brainwashing they have been pumping out being damn near impossible to undo. Trump has shot himself in the foot and now all he can do is let it bleed. The short-sightedness of this administration continues to shock and amaze.
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It’s fucked though. I just have the Nice I May Live In Arizona My Story In But My Story Began In New Mexico Shirt. Where I can’t even make enough money to get by, let alone escape to a better place. One of my coworkers is a 60 ~–year-old woman near retirement. And she’s having to work through a global pandemic without. Proper PPE or support from her local government because some actual narcissistic lunatic decided to make this virus a political issue. Our local police and the county sheriff have said they refuse to enforce the mask ban. Trump’s motorcade rolled past by work yesterday, which was actually kinda cool to see. But very few of his supporters were there wearing a mask, and 0% of. The heavy police force present was wearing them.
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