We really are asking why don’t introverts give back what they expect so much from other people. Edit: Downvote me all you want it just keeps the divide going, and It’s not going to get me or any other Nice I’m Captain Jack Harkness And I’m Immortal Shirt to your “side”. If you read through this whole comment, this is not an attack on introverts. Just frustration of the divide that some introverts want to keep going, a lot of extroverts like myself are doing all we know. Anything more seems a bit toxic and unhealthy for any sort of friendship. Themselves out to be a tragic figure and just pat themselves on the back for so much. While making extroverts out to be boogymen and introverts are just so innocent in the matter. Just so much that other people naturally shouldn’t be obligated to put up with.
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Sure it helps some introverts feel better, but so many other people have had to work through that stuff and it’s frustrating to have to a group of people who are so adamant about something like that. So when extroverts ask “why are you so quiet?”. Time and time again extroverts myself have tried to make things. Better by coming up with things to say that are more and more civil. And just trying to be within what. We think Nice I’m Captain Jack Harkness And I’m Immortal Shirt would be able to take in well. All I or most extroverts want is just some of the same stuff we give in return for once. We try and try over again only for a lot of introverts we have known to keep pushing us away and acting like we are the ones who are supposed to fix everything. Just being on the other. So good. So happy.
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