People with this view feel that certain conditions and disorders, such as autism, ADHD, BPD, Tourette’s, Nice Neurodiversity Brain Dyslexia ADHD Autism Epilepsy Shirt and many others, represent differences in the way the brain works. And that this difference is not necessarily disordered. If humans can be diverse in terms of race and coloring, culture, language, gender, etc. They can be diverse in terms of the brain. Different, not disabled, basically. Does the physical touch sensation occur even in response to things happening within your field of view but outside your immediate focus of attention?
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But, it does include any condition which makes your brain different, makes you think and function differently, often in an incurable or permanent way. In many cases, the conditions are manageable, but managing doesn’t make you mentally the same as those without any such label. But, they still think differently, experience things differently. Functioning and living the way others do, doesn’t change your own experience/how your brain works. How do the people you associate with feel an out your superhuman level of empathy? Does it change how they interact with you?
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I totally agree that self-acceptance is good and appropriate. Great response!. I feel like if I had your ability and my girlfriend was aware of it, she’d make sure I’d felt her wrath even if she had to endure it herself. It can be overwhelming at times. For example, the first time I saw someone die was incredibly intense and is actually the story I use to open mah book. The important thing here is that even though neurodiversity is a universal and natural principal, neurotypical populations still exist. To me, this sounds a bit like saying race is an artificial construct and we are all the same. It sounds good on an intellectual level but ignores practical realities. It’ll be interesting to see how others respond.
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