There’s a thread on the Steam TF2 forums, it’s a guy who collects items from anyone who wants to donate them and hands them back out to new players who are in need. You can look that up, I dunno if it’s still around. Alternatively, you can look for Nice Snoopy Great Pumpkin Believer Since 1966 Halloween Shirt to them on your own time. My last suggestion being you could have players who need/want items to post here with their profile and you could give them items based on your own judgment. Not sure how you plan on going about distributing these items, but I see about 7 different items I’m quite interested in. Lemme know what’s going on! This sounds fun! Very generous of you to just give your whole backpack away. Ok.
Nice Snoopy Great Pumpkin Believer Since 1966 Halloween Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
If you use TF2R, you can choose the number of items you wish to raffle away. You set a time for how long the raffle will go, you set how many people can enter, and Nice Snoopy Great Pumpkin Believer Since 1966 Halloween Shirt. TF2R has an option to make private raffles, so it can totally work practically the way you want. You can limit the number of slots, the time it is open, etc. If you want I can whip up a Reddit user bot in Python that users can PM to enter, and it can randomly choose a winner. It can also filter out accounts below certain age so that users can’t enter more than once with new accounts. The first raffle has started and I will get all the links up for others later. Thank you so much. Ok.
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